# 常用的工具函数
# 周期循环
function backCycle(num: number, cycle: number): number {
let index = num % cycle;
if (index < 0) {
index += cycle;
return index;
例如:时钟从 0 点开始,经过 15 小时后,即 backCycle(15,12)
例如:现在是 0 点,计算 28 小时之前,即 backCycle(-28,12)
# 数值越界
* @name boundary
* @desc 数值边界
* @param {Number} num 需要处理的数值
* @param {Number} min 最小边界值
* @param {Number} max 最大边界值
function boundary(num, min = -Infinity, max = Infinity) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, num));
# search 参数转化
* @desc 获取url中的search参数,并转化为对象
* @return {Object} search
function getSearchObject(): object {
let result = {};
const url = window.location.href;
const hasSearch = url.split("?").length > 1;
if (hasSearch) {
const searchStr = url.split("?")[1];
const searchKeyValueArr = searchStr.split("&");
for (let i = 0; i < searchKeyValueArr.length; i++) {
const [key, value] = searchKeyValueArr[i].split("=");
result[key] = decodeURIComponent(value);
return result;
* @desc 将对象转化为search字符串
* @param {String} window.location.search
function objectToSearch(obj: object): string {
let searchStr = "";
for (const key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const value = encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
searchStr += `${key}=${value}&`;
return searchStr ? "?" + searchStr.slice(0, -1) : "";
# 小数点保留
function toFixed(num = 0, count = 2) {
if (typeof num !== "number") {
throw new Error("argument 'num' must be a Number");
if (typeof count !== "number") {
throw new Error("argument 'count' must be a Number");
const _c = Math.max(1, Math.min(10, count));
return parseFloat(num.toFixed(_c));
toFixed(0.1 + 0.2);
toFixed(12 * 0.6);
toFixed(0.3 + 0.6);
toFixed(0.4 * 0.7);
toFixed(0.9 * 0.2);
# 颜色转化 hsl to rgb
* @desc hsla 转为 rgba
* @param {Number} h 色相 [0-360]
* @param {Number} s 饱和度 [0-1]
* @param {Number} l 亮度 [0-1] 0.5时为正常
* @param {Number} a 透明度 [0-1]
function hsla2rgba(h = 0, s = 1, l = 0.5, a = 1) {
let r, g, b;
let deg = h % 360;
// 将色相转化为[0-1]的数值
deg = deg < 0 ? 360 + deg : deg;
const num = Math.floor((1000 * deg) / 360) / 1000;
if (s === 0) {
r = g = b = l;
} else {
const hue2rgb = (p, q, t) => {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1 / 2) return q;
if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
const p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, num + 1 / 3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, num);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, num - 1 / 3);
return `rgba(${Math.floor(r * 255)},${Math.floor(g * 255)},${Math.floor(
b * 255
# 随机字符串
function randomStr(len = 16) {
const l = Math.max(1, Math.min(100, len));
let str = "_";
while (str.length < l) {
str += Math.random()
return str.slice(0, l);
# 函数节流
* @desc 将高频触发的事件,降低频率
* @param {Function} fn 回调函数
* @param {Number} timeout 函数执行的周期时间
function throttle(fn, timeout = 1000) {
if (!fn) {
let startTime = new Date();
return (event) => {
const now = new Date();
if (now - startTime > timeout) {
fn.call(fn, event);
startTime = now;
# 函数防抖
* @desc 高频触发的事件,当该事件停止触发再执行回调
* @param {Function} fn 回调函数
* @param {Number} delay 防抖周期
function debounce(fn, delay = 500) {
if (!fn) {
let timer = null;
return (event) => {
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(() => {
fn.call(fn, event);
}, delay);
# aes 加解密
npm install crypto-js --save
* @desc aes 加/解密工具
* @author darcrand
* @version 2019-09-17
import CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
const DEFAULT_KEY = "your-key";
const DEFAULT_IV = "your-iv";
* @desc aes加密
* @param {any} value 需要加密的数据
* @return {String} 加密的字符串
function encrypt(value = "", { key = DEFAULT_KEY, iv = DEFAULT_IV } = {}) {
if (!value) {
console.error("aes encrypt error: param:'value' is required");
return "";
try {
const str = JSON.stringify(value);
const ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(str, key, { iv });
const encrypted = ciphertext.toString();
return encrypted;
} catch (err) {
console.error("aes encrypt error: fail");
return "";
* @desc aes解密
* @param {String} str 被加密的内容
* @return {any} 解密的明文
function decrypt(str = "", { key = DEFAULT_KEY, iv = DEFAULT_IV } = {}) {
if (!str) {
console.error("aes decrypt error: param:'str' is required");
return "";
try {
var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(str, key, { iv });
var plaintext = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
const decrypted = JSON.parse(plaintext);
return decrypted;
} catch (err) {
console.error("aes encrypt error: fail");
return "";
export { encrypt, decrypt };
# 数组去重
* @description 数组去重
* @param {Array<any>} arr
* @param {String} key 用于对象数组时,过滤的key
* @returns {Array<any>}
export function unduplicate(arr = [], key = null) {
const result = [];
const obj = {};
if (key) {
for (const item of arr) {
if (!obj[item[key]]) {
obj[item[key]] = true;
} else {
for (let i of arr) {
if (!obj[i]) {
obj[i] = true;
return result;
# 数组分割
* @description 一维数组转为'col'列的二维数组
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Number} col 列数,不能小于2
* @returns {Array|null}
function splitArray(arr = [], col = 5) {
if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !arr.length || col < 2) {
return [];
return arr.reduce((prev, curr, index) => {
const shouldCreateArr = index % col === 0;
if (shouldCreateArr) {
return prev;
} else {
const lastArr = prev[prev.length - 1];
return prev;
}, []);
# 数组深度查询
* @desc 对象数组深度查询
* @param {Array} arr 原始数组,子孙数组结构需相同
* @param {Function} fnFilter 用于判断是否匹配成功的函数,接受当前遍历的元素,返回布尔值
* @param {String} childrenKey 指向子数组的key
* @returns {Object|undefined} target 匹配到的元素,该元素保留在原始数组的路径
function findDeep(
arr = [],
fnFilter = (item, index) => {},
childrenKey = "children"
) {
const stack = [];
// 把所有节点推入栈,铺平数组
const putInStack = (_arr = []) => {
if (!Array.isArray(_arr)) {
for (let i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) {
return stack.find(fnFilter);
function findDeep2(
arr = [],
fnFilter = (item, index) => {},
childrenKey = "children"
) {
let matchItem = null;
let currIndex = 0;
const stack = [];
const putInStack = (_arr = []) => {
if (!Array.isArray(_arr)) {
for (let i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) {
const item = _arr[i];
const isFinded = search();
if (isFinded) {
} else {
const search = () => {
for (; currIndex < stack.length; currIndex++) {
matchItem = fnFilter(stack[currIndex]) ? stack[currIndex] : null;
if (matchItem) {
return true;
return false;
return matchItem;
# 数值缩写
* @description 数值缩写
* @param number 数值
* @param count 保留小数点位数(大于等于0)
function numberAbbreviation(number = 0, count = 0): string {
const suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"];
const step = 1000;
const power = Math.pow(10, count < 0 ? 0 : count);
let num = number;
let index = 0;
while (num > step) {
num /= step;
num = Math.floor(power * num) / power;
const suffix = suffixes[index];
return num + suffix;
const s = numberAbbreviation(123456789, 1); //123.4M
# 从 url 中保存和获取对象类型参数
const URLQuery = {
toSearch(obj = {}, searchKey = "query") {
if (typeof obj !== "object") {
return "";
const str = JSON.stringify(obj);
const encodeStr = window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
return `?${searchKey}=${encodeStr}`;
toObject(searchKey = "query") {
const url = window.location.href;
const hasSearch = url.split("?").length > 1;
if (!hasSearch) {
return {};
const searchStr = url.split("?")[1];
const searchKeyValueArr = searchStr.split("&");
let encodeQueryStr = "";
for (let i = 0; i < searchKeyValueArr.length; i++) {
const [key, value] = searchKeyValueArr[i].split("=");
if (key === searchKey) {
encodeQueryStr = value;
const str = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(encodeQueryStr)));
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch (err) {
return {};
在 url 上添加 search 字符串
const params = { a: 1, b: "", c: [] };
const search = URLQuery.toSearch(params);
window.location.href += search;
从 url 上获取 search 转化的对象参数
const objectFromSearch = URLQuery.toObject();
# 限制数值大小
* @description 限制数值大小
* @param {number} num 目标数值
* @param {number?} min 最小值
* @param {number?} max 最大值
* @returns
function limit(num = 0, { min = -Infinity, max = Infinity } = {}) {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, num));
# 判断浏览器环境
原始地址: JowayYoung - 详细判断浏览器运行环境 (opens new window)
function BrowserType() {
const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
const testUa = (regexp) => regexp.test(ua);
const testVs = (regexp) =>
.replace(/[^0-9|_.]/g, "")
.replace(/_/g, ".");
// 系统
let system = "unknow";
if (testUa(/windows|win32|win64|wow32|wow64/g)) {
system = "windows"; // windows系统
} else if (testUa(/macintosh|macintel/g)) {
system = "macos"; // macos系统
} else if (testUa(/x11/g)) {
system = "linux"; // linux系统
} else if (testUa(/android|adr/g)) {
system = "android"; // android系统
} else if (testUa(/ios|iphone|ipad|ipod|iwatch/g)) {
system = "ios"; // ios系统
// 系统版本
let systemVs = "unknow";
if (system === "windows") {
if (testUa(/windows nt 5.0|windows 2000/g)) {
systemVs = "2000";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 5.1|windows xp/g)) {
systemVs = "xp";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 5.2|windows 2003/g)) {
systemVs = "2003";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.0|windows vista/g)) {
systemVs = "vista";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.1|windows 7/g)) {
systemVs = "7";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.2|windows 8/g)) {
systemVs = "8";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 6.3|windows 8.1/g)) {
systemVs = "8.1";
} else if (testUa(/windows nt 10.0|windows 10/g)) {
systemVs = "10";
} else if (system === "macos") {
systemVs = testVs(/os x [\d._]+/g);
} else if (system === "android") {
systemVs = testVs(/android [\d._]+/g);
} else if (system === "ios") {
systemVs = testVs(/os [\d._]+/g);
let platform = "unknow";
if (system === "windows" || system === "macos" || system === "linux") {
platform = "desktop"; // 桌面端
} else if (system === "android" || system === "ios" || testUa(/mobile/g)) {
platform = "mobile"; // 移动端
let engine = "unknow";
let supporter = "unknow";
if (testUa(/applewebkit/g)) {
engine = "webkit"; // webkit内核
if (testUa(/edge/g)) {
supporter = "edge"; // edge浏览器
} else if (testUa(/opr/g)) {
supporter = "opera"; // opera浏览器
} else if (testUa(/chrome/g)) {
supporter = "chrome"; // chrome浏览器
} else if (testUa(/safari/g)) {
supporter = "safari"; // safari浏览器
} else if (testUa(/gecko/g) && testUa(/firefox/g)) {
engine = "gecko"; // gecko内核
supporter = "firefox"; // firefox浏览器
} else if (testUa(/presto/g)) {
engine = "presto"; // presto内核
supporter = "opera"; // opera浏览器
} else if (testUa(/trident|compatible|msie/g)) {
engine = "trident"; // trident内核
supporter = "iexplore"; // iexplore浏览器
// 内核版本
let engineVs = "unknow";
if (engine === "webkit") {
engineVs = testVs(/applewebkit\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "gecko") {
engineVs = testVs(/gecko\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "presto") {
engineVs = testVs(/presto\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (engine === "trident") {
engineVs = testVs(/trident\/[\d._]+/g);
// 载体版本
let supporterVs = "unknow";
if (supporter === "chrome") {
supporterVs = testVs(/chrome\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "safari") {
supporterVs = testVs(/version\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "firefox") {
supporterVs = testVs(/firefox\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "opera") {
supporterVs = testVs(/opr\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (supporter === "iexplore") {
supporterVs = testVs(/(msie [\d._]+)|(rv:[\d._]+)/g);
} else if (supporter === "edge") {
supporterVs = testVs(/edge\/[\d._]+/g);
let shell = "none";
let shellVs = "unknow";
if (testUa(/micromessenger/g)) {
shell = "wechat"; // 微信浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/micromessenger\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/qqbrowser/g)) {
shell = "qq"; // QQ浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/qqbrowser\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/ucbrowser/g)) {
shell = "uc"; // UC浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/ucbrowser\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/qihu 360se/g)) {
shell = "360"; // 360浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/2345explorer/g)) {
shell = "2345"; // 2345浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/2345explorer\/[\d._]+/g);
} else if (testUa(/metasr/g)) {
shell = "sougou"; // 搜狗浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/lbbrowser/g)) {
shell = "liebao"; // 猎豹浏览器(无版本)
} else if (testUa(/maxthon/g)) {
shell = "maxthon"; // 遨游浏览器
shellVs = testVs(/maxthon\/[\d._]+/g);
return Object.assign(
engine, // webkit gecko presto trident
platform, // desktop mobile
supporter, // chrome safari firefox opera iexplore edge
system, // windows macos linux android ios
shell === "none"
? {}
: {
shell, // wechat qq uc 360 2345 sougou liebao maxthon